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CS Colloquium: Professor Avi Wigderson on: "The Value of Errors in Proofs"
Avi Wigderson - The Value of Errors in Proofs
The Value of Errors in Proofs - Avi Wigderson
Abel Prize Laureates - Avi Wigderson - The Value of Errors in Proofs
The Abel lectures: László Lovász and Avi Wigderson
Avi Wigderson 7 September 2021
Avi Wigderson: "Proving Algebraic Identities"
Lecture Mathematics: Avi Widgerson | September 20
Esteban Real | Applied Mathematics (APPM) Department Colloquium
STARK @ Home 17: The Value of Errors in Proofs
Avi Wigderson: Scientific revolutions, ToC and PCP
An introductory survey on expanders and their applications - Avi Wigderson